Bachelor in International Relations

Información del curso
The Bachelor's Degree in International Relations at UNIE prepares you to analyze, communicate, manage, and advise on international matters, adapting to a globalized world. The curriculum provides comprehensive training in understanding today's reality, with the option to specialize in Law and Economics, Foreign Policy, or International Security. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to delve into Big Data.
- Theories, concepts and debates of International Relations
- Introduction to Law
- Modern world history
- Historical Evolution of Political Ideas
- Sociology
- Historical perspective of IR
- English for International Relations and Business
- Contemporary Global Politics
- Fundamentals of Economics
- Comparative Political Systems
- Research methods and techniques in IR and Big Data
- International Political Economy
- Public International Law
- EU institutions and policies
- Foreign Policy analisis and diplomacy
- EU Law
- International Organizations
- World Geopolitics
- Communication Skills in IR and the Company
- Foreign Policy of Spain
- International Public Opinion and Communication
- International Security
- UN and Human Rights
- Religion in International Relations
- Elective 1
- Public Diplomacy and Country Branding
- Innovation in the International Business Environment
- Regional Studies: Asia
- Elective 2
- Elective 3
- Regional Studies: Africa
- Elective 4
- Regional Studies: United States
- Elective 5
- Elective 6
- Regional Studies: Latin America
- Elective 7
- Elective 8
- External academic internships
- Thesis Project
- Diplomatic and Consular Law
- Competition Law
- International Trade and Markets
- International Trade Law
- Sustainable Management
- Global Economic Environment and Negotiation
- Creation and management of companies in the international environment
- International Strategic Management
- Middle East and the Maghreb
- EU Foreign Policy
- The Rise of China and its Foreign Policy
- Post-Soviet Space
- Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance
- International Migration and Globalisation
- Current International Affairs Observatory
- International Protocol
- Security and Defense in Europe
- International Cybersecurity
- Energy, Climate Change and Security
- International Terrorism and Organised Crime
- Management and resolution of international conflicts
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Information and Conflicts
- Intelligence and International Security
- Leadership and Team Management
- Second Language: French por International Relations and Business
An International Degree where you'll have the chance to enjoy International experiences and trips, professional internships in International Institutions...
Prueba de acceso
There is an admission process.
Modalidad: Presencial (Campus Based). Methodology: Experiential.
Idiomas en los que se imparte
The objective of this degree is to train students in the principles of International Relations, global geopolitics, human rights, and international security. They will be equipped to analyze current international affairs, legal and social issues, and the dynamics of global regions. Additionally, they will learn to identify the role of states, international organizations, and non-state actors, as well as to develop international cooperation projects—all with proficiency in English, French, and Spanish.
Titulación obtenida
Official degree. Favorably assessed by the Madrid Knowledge Foundation. It is recognized in countries within the European Higher Education Space (EHES).
External internships.
Perspectivas laborales
Graduates in International Relations work in business organizations, human resources, marketing, public relations, and national government administration. You will be able to apply your knowledge in analyzing the global reality around us in positions such as:
Independent Consultant
Consultant for Foundations, NGOs, or Multinational Companies
Project Manager in Cooperation and Development
Institutional Relations Manager in Companies
Civil Servant in Supranational Organizations
Diplomatic Career
Intergovernmental Organizations and Foreign Service of the State and the EU
Civil Servant in External Projection Agencies of Regional and Local Administrations
Senior Administrator of the European Union
Civil Servant in Regional Intergovernmental Organizations
Civil Servant in Global Intergovernmental Organizations
Intelligence Services Analyst
Ventajas del curso
It is the only degree that allows you to complete your studies with a specialization in Law and Economics, Foreign Policy, or International Security.
Tipo de evaluación
Thesis Project.