The Master in International Business Is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment influences firms' competitive responses, and how the world is interconnected. This results in graduates ready
Escuela Internacional de Gerencia (EIG)
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Focus on the areas most in demand in the job market, with specialisations in key fields such as sustainability and crisis management. The twenty-first century economy is the most globalised in human history. We are living in a unique time to strengthen relations and international commerce and build
UNIE Universidad
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El propósito general del Máster en Logística Global y Dirección de Negocios Internacionales es formar profesionales capaces de asesorar, negociar y tomar decisiones relacionadas con la internacionalización comercial, productiva e inversora de las empresas, la logística y/o los negocios
Instituto de Estudios Cajasol
10.800 €
La Universitat Abat Oliba CEU lleva más de tres décadas impartiendo estudios de Administración y Dirección de Empresas. El grado en Dirección de Empresas ofrece a los estudiantes unas perspectivas profesionales excelentes, ya que les permite conocer cómo se desarrollan las diversas actividades que
Universitat Abat Oliba CEU (UAO)
10.557 €
It integrates essential knowledge in the international field with the necessary training for the job market, covering both Big Data and emerging technologies, as well as leadership and team management. The Bachelor's Degree in International Relations at UNIE prepares you to analyze, communicate,
UNIE Universidad
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