Learn how to manage global operations in international markets with the Master in International Business [MIB] The Master in International Business is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment ESIC Business & Marketing School
17.100 €
El propósito general del Máster en Logística Global y Dirección de Negocios Internacionales es formar profesionales capaces de asesorar, negociar y tomar decisiones relacionadas con la internacionalización comercial, productiva e inversora de las empresas, la logística y/o los negocios Instituto de Estudios Cajasol
10.800 €
This Master is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment influences firms' competitive responses, and how the world is interconnected. This program prepares you to deal with the challenges of ESIC Business & Marketing School
17.100 €
The Master's Degree In International Relations And Global Economy Is A Degree That Provides Key Knowledge Responding To The Challenges Of A Global Society, Earned While You Undergo A Unique International Experience At The London School Of Economics And Political Science (Lse). The Master's Degree ESIC Business & Marketing School
29.900 €
The Master in International Business Is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment influences firms' competitive responses, and how the world is interconnected. This results in graduates ready EIG Escuela Internacional de Gerencia
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